B&T Storage in Reasnor, IA

118 N St  Reasnor, IA   (8 Miles South of Newton, IA)                                  

Contact us:

Facebook Page: @BnTStorage     

Email:   Rentals@BnTStorage.com

Outside Parking Available for Campers and Trailers

Rental Units are 10 x 24 and 10 x 20.  Contact us for current rates.

In addition to Check or Money Order, B&T Storage accepts monthly rent via Credit Card and Venmo.  

Checks or Money Order:  

B&T Storage LLC 

PO Box 1364  

Newton, IA  50208



Click to Pay via Venmo 

Square Payments - Use the Link Below for One Time Credit Card, Bank Account, or CashApp Payments.

Use the link below to set-up monthly payments.  Payments are due on the 1st of each month, and monthly payments be charged the same day each month.  If you're making a late payment, use another payment option to the left and set up monthly payments before the 1st of the next month.

Check out the auction page for current units up for sale.  If the unit belongs to you and you wish to pay all fees owed, contact us immediately on Facebook @BnTstorage or Via Email Rentals@BntStorage.com